Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Greetings from Saskatoon!

As we were in Saskatchewan in good time and don't deliver til Wednesday, we decided to end the day in Saskatoon, and to head to Prince Albert first thing in the morning.

Lots of beautiful wildlife today; bison in Elk Island national park, countless deer, a coyote, a muskrat, and enormous flocks of snow geese, Canada geese, and trumpter swans both on the ground and in migratory formation.

I was incredulous that nearly every field from Lloydminster to nearly the battlefords has its own oil well. Saskatchewan is latching on to the oil wealth and is fast becoming a "have" province, rather than a have not.

Photos tomorrow...and perhaps we'll find out our next destination.

1 comment:

Lorrie & Clancy Madden said...

Hey guys, glad to here you are making good time. its snowing here again. Drive safe