Friday, May 2, 2008

Good Morning from Sioux Falls, South Dakota!

A very foggy good morning! No Internet access for the last couple of days, thus no update. Here's a Wednesday update from Sskatchewan that I wrote offline...I will do a Thursday/Friday update tonight.

We were sleeping by 8 pm last night, and woke well before the 4:30 a.m. alarm. After a quick doggy walk and coffee, we set out for Prince Albert. We witnessed a beautiful prairie sunrise just after leaving Saskatoon.
The little we saw of Prince Albert was charming. It is very clean, and though spring has not quite gotten underway there is a sense there that it won't be long coming.

By 8:15 we were unloaded and heading south. We decided to take a different road, and found ourselves in the heart of rural Saskatchewan. We came to a bridge at St. Louis that nearly gave me heart failure; it looked as though there was no way for a car to squeeze onto the southbound lane, let alone a big rig. We crawled across, with me white knuckled and doing metric calculations about our GVW in comparison to the legal load limit for the bridge. My visions of plunging into the icy waters of the Saskatchewan River didn't materialize, and soon we were safely across, Mike chuckling, and me breathing a huge sigh of relief.

There has been an incredible wind blowing all day, hitting us broadside and sending our fuel mileage to less than favourable levels.

The most memorable sights today were the huge flocks of snow geese, covering dozens and dozens of acres in numerous fields. We also saw a flock of about 30 pelicans on a lake!
Even before the grass greens up and the leaves open, there is a beauty to the prairie landscape. The stubble of last year's wheat fields, not yet plowed, spreads a golden carpet as far as the eye can see. We have passed farms that are clearly prospering, and others crumbling, long ago abandoned.

Back to trucking related matters; I am writing this in Moose Jaw, in the comfort of the sleeper. Mike is securing the load that we will be taking to Virginia. Not sure yet where we will be spending the night.

Fast forward to Friday morning...time to go. I will update tonight.

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